4th CAFE Workshop


In-person at ECMWF, Reading, UK | 29-31 March 2022

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Workshop description

This is the fourth workshop of the Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes (CAFE) project.

This workshop will include keynote presentations on a variety of aspects related to sub-seasonal forecasting and its applications. There will also be a focus on soft skills with activities to develop these.

This workshop is part of the ongoing activities of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network (ITN).



There is a free admission policy to the scientific sessions within the limits of available places. Please complete the registration form if you are interested in attending one or several sessions.


COVID Procedures

The workshop will be held in person in Reading, UK. ECMWF has put in place a number of COVID Health and Safetly measures to reduce the risk of transmission in the workplace to the lowest practicable level making ECMWF a safe place to work.

ECMWF requires all persons on site to provide proof of vaccination (minimum 2 doses), proof of recovery from COVID or evidence of a negative COVID Lateral Flow Test conducted in the preceding 24 hours to access the site.

All participants are required to sign a copy of the ‘COVID-19 Site Health and Safety Procedures’ prior to arrival or on arrival at Shinfield Park.

Contact us at cafeproject@crm.cat.


Tuesday, 29 March

09:00 → 09:30Welcome and housekeeping (30m)

09:30 → 12:00Perspective on the peer-review process as a journal editor and discussion

SpeakerBecky Hemingway (ECMWF) (2h 30m)

12:00 → 13:00 |  ESR presentations (1h)

13:00 → 13:50Lunch Break (50m)

13:50 → 14:00Group Photo (10m)

14:00 → 15:30Panel discussion on Methods for teleconnection detection (1h 30m)

15:30 → 16:30ESR presentations (1h)

18:00 → 20:00Social Event – organised by ESRs (2h)



Wednesday, 30 March

09:00 → 13:00Co-organised with the machine learning workshop (4h)

13:00 → 14:00Lunch Break (1h)

14:00 → 16:30Co-organised with the machine learning workshop (2h 30m)

18:00 → 20:00Dinner (2h)



Thursday, 31 March

09:00 → 11:30Experiences in science communication followed by group discussion
SpeakerHannah Cloke (University of Reading) (2h 30m)

11:30 → 12:30ESR presentations (1h)

12:30 → 13:00 |  Project discussion and planning for final conference (30m)

13:00 → 14:00Lunch Break (1h)

14:00 → 14:30 |  Project discussion and planning for final conference (30m)

14:30 → 16:30ECMWF tour (2h)

14:30 → 16:30Supervisor board – by invitation only (2h)


Friday, 1 April

09:00 → 16:00 |  Social Activity (7h)


Becky Hemingway

User Outreach and Engagement Officer ECMWF and Co-Editor in Chief of Atmospheric Science Letters RMetS

Hannah Cloke

Professor of Hydrology at University of Reading