The Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes (CAFE) project is pleased to announce the forthcoming 3rd CAFE Workshop,
The meeting will be divided into two parts: the first part (September 13th to 16th), organised by Aria Technologies, will be conducted online. The second part will consist of a series of activities and meetings among the CAFE consortium members (November 3rd to 5th), hosted by MeteoFrance (Toulouse, FR).
This workshop is part of the ongoing activities of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN). The core of the event will include several keynote talks, delivered by international experts in their areas, complemented by a transversal skills session on entrepreneurship for the ESRs.
This workshop will also include the outreach activities planned as part of the European Researchers’ Night 2021, on September 24th. The Researchers’ Night takes place yearly, and it is the occasion for a Europe-wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers, in particular towards young people and their families.
Stay tuned for updates regarding schedule, guest keynote speakers, and more by following us on Twitter at @CAFE_S2SExtrem
If you wish to attend the online sessions please contact us at