CAFE @ European Researchers’ Night: Ask Me Anything

As part of the CAFE participation in this year’s edition of the European Researchers’ Night, we are preparing an Ask Me Anything session where our research team will be answering your doubts about climate science. 

Take a look at the CAFE talks that will be posted on September 24th on the European Researchers’ Night You Tube channel, and think of the questions you’d always wanted to ask about extreme weather phenomena, such as heat waves or tropical storms, and what we can do to improve the forecasting of such events.

In the spirit of the Ask Me Anything format, you should feel free to ask our research team anything about their work and their field of study. We expect all participant questions to be respectful and appropriate.

You can ask questions by typing them below!

[askmeanythingpeople answer_list_title="Follow the discussion" avatar="retro"]

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