Towards sub-seasonal predictability of extreme weather over Europe

Emmanuel Rouges and Nikolaos Mastrantonas, ECMWF Scientists, Diagnostics Section.

We are scientists in the ECMWF Diagnostics team working on the sub-seasonal predictability of extreme weather over Europe, within the EU-funded CAFE project. CAFE’s goal is to improve predictability at sub-seasonal timescales by developing an interdisciplinary network of highly trained researchers. There are 12 researchers in total, of which ECMWF hosts 2.

Our research at ECMWF is focused on sub-seasonal predictability over Europe and we share some of our early results in this blog, as well as discussing the importance of forecasting at this timescale.

Cafe Blog Figure 1A

The 12 early stage researchers (ESRs) and some of the senior researchers of the CAFE project, during the CAFE 1st summer school in Sitges, Spain, in November 2019.

You can read the complete article at the ECMWF science blog section (link).